ni tajuk buku..huhuuu..
terkesima kejap bila tau penulis buku ini berumur 9 thn!
hooo..ak masa umur 9 thn, still terkedek-kedek nak wat karangan..
dia dah ada buku sendiri..
bkn satu je...3 buku semuanya..
how to to girls, how to talk to moms, how to talk to dads..
uhuh..new york bestseller tu..
lagi kagum bila tau hollywood film producer nak wat cerita based on buku die..
next jk rowling??
actually, ak rasa tips yg dia tulis kat buku tu mostly benda yg common..
maksudnye, kt semua sedia maklum tentang cara nak 'talk to girls'..
malah nak ckp ngan sesiapa pun..
yg wat ak kagum adalah keseriusan dia menulis
ramai org tau..tapi setakat tau je laa..
berapa kerat yg nak publish buku??
hmm..x pasal2 bdak ni jd bestseller author..
9 years old kid..amazing
ak ade try wat komik sendiri..
tp sendiri wat sendiri baca je laa..
haha..tp kan..cuba kalau ak wat, lps tu ak publish..ok x??
ni intro buku tu..baca laa..menarik x??
Chapter One
The Facts of Life
Sometimes, you get a girl to like you, then she ditches you.
Life is hard, move on!
Tip: About 73 percent of regular girls ditch boys; 98 percent of pretty girls ditch boys.
Or sometimes it just doesn't work out.
I had a crush on a girl in preschool.
Then my family had to move, so I had to let her wash out of my mind.
You also have to be aware that girls win most of the arguments and have most of the power. If you know that now, things might be easier.
Finally, if you try for too many girls, you will have jealousy issues and might end up with nobody. It is really best to go for just one.
If you do get a girl to like you, that is victory.
Winning victory is a dream for most boys, but it is very rare.
What does it take to win victory?
..sampai sini je yg ade~..
klik sini pun boleh~
tau dr sini~
masuk malaysia nanti boleh rembat satu..
Tapi kalau ckp ngan pompuan..
dah lama tahu..hak3
h0w t0 talk t0 b0y ada?
'What does it take to win victory?'
cehh tgh syok2 baca..potong stim je tau..;p
tu salah satu teknik nak suh orang teruja beli buku dia..hehehe pandaaaiiii..
US mmg amek pot ttg kanak2 berbakat yg mereka ada...
try ko check org mesia nyer anak2 berbakat? mana sekarang.
aku kenal sorg.. sekarang dah jadik penebar roti canai....
abang hanafi. dulu dia usia 3 tahun dah baca paper sendiri tanpa bantuan sapa2.
setiap orang pasti ada talent dan gift tapi kalo kena asah lagi pasti lebih mantap...=)
ditto>> ckp mcm mane tu ditto..huuu~
sharamli >> xde laa..
ungku nor >> tau x pe.first time baca smpi part tu..rasa cm nak continue trus...kn beli laa..hmm..
alis >> oo..kenal2...hidup mcm roda~
ivy >> yerp..setuju..
huuu tu kira satu pencapaian yg hebat bagi budak umur 9 thn kan..kita yg dah tua ni pun blom ada buku lagi haha
cinta cukulet..>>erm..benda tu yg wat ku terpkir~
when i was wif my 1st bf,i always wanan win no matter quarrel or when went out,he wan to buy shirt,i insisted wan watch movie,i dont care anything
mayb he cant tahan ahahahaha
btw,dont care cuz i have my loving now bf:)
waaa... bijak~ =D
tips ni utk lelaki la kot..huhu..superb la budak ni..xmustahil dia boleh tulis bermacam2 buku yg lg menarik bile die makin membesar..
erk,xnk publish komik kat blog..bace free jela..hehe
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